среда, 13 апреля 2016 г.

What Mega-Universe is

Every flesh (we, you, surrounding us objects, environments etc.) is the fotooptical informative systems (FOIS) that by virtue of the inseparable connection inner it, being "imprints" in aethereal educations, create both situation and temporal intercommunications. Id est our world of determized, both through " dense" structures and through "informative accompaniment" ("universal scenario" of beginning, development and end of "this light"). "A scenario", in turn, operates on principle: to a 1) inevitability, 2) necessities. Violation of the following "a scenario" and in him creates errors the prescribed "roles" are sins that start scray mechanisms on 1th principle, or compensated by intervention from "higher forces" in accordance with 2th principle works of our Mega-Universe.

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